

Westfalia Crèche - Adding value to children’s lives

June 15, 2018

Over the last few years, the drumbeat for quality education for agri-worker’s children, sounds clarion clear at The Waitrose Foundation and within its partnerships with member farms.

One example of this is found on Westfalia Estate in Modjadjiskloof, where the crèche staff cares for 60-70 children of employees, who live on Westfalia Estate farms and in villages located withn the surrounding areas. Established in May 2006 as a joint venture between Westfalia, the Waitrose Foundation and Fairtrade, this Day Care Centre still provides structured educational programmes, play facilities and balanced meals on a daily basis.

Key benefits of providing this service include improved nourishment and wellness of the children as well as equipping them for their formal school career.

The primary focus of this important service is aimed at the start of the child’s development stages:

Westfalia Crèche - Adding value to children’s lives
We have an opportunity to leave a lasting educational footprint, for future generations to follow along a continuing path of improvement, achievement and success.

We have an opportunity to leave a lasting educational footprint, for future generations to follow along a continuing path of improvement, achievement and success.