
Waitrose Foundation At Work

Generous donations to the community during COVID-19 Lockdown

April 2020

Waitrose Foundation growers as well as exporters have been very active in the community, assisting with food parcels and other basic relief supplies for farm workers, especially seasonal workers who were unable to secure work or travel home during the months of April and May. Photos were received of quite a number of fresh produce donations delivered to local communities across the country and there are many inspirational stories of what Waitrose partners have been doing.

The Capespan team was one of the exporters responsible for generous donations of fresh fruit during lockdown. Eight tons of apples were donated by the Capespan Foundation to Mercy Meals and other feeding projects since the lock down started in South Africa. Thank you to Ansonette (Capespan Foundation) and all the volunteers who were lending a hand to pack and distribute food parcels and bags of apples to families in need during lockdown.