
Waitrose Foundation At Work

Women intentionally identify and nurture potential on farms

June 2019

Women in key positions on Remhoogte Farm in Grabouw in the Western Cape, consistently display their natural unselfish and caring characteristics, especially towards children and the youth on the farm.

Monique Biscombe (Human Resource Manager) and Lea Cupido (Worker Committee Chairperson) at Remhoogte identified the potential and desire to excel in Michaela Theunissen while she worked in the pack house after completing Grade 12 in 2017. They motivated Michaela when she felt like giving up on her career goals. They negotiated with the farm management and created an Aftercare Assistant position that could be aligned to a career path that leads towards teaching – a career choice of Michaela’s. This has opened up an opportunity for her to learn and grow, while at the same time adding value at the aftercare centre.

Monique and Lea are known as influential women who add value within the Foundation’s network, be it at Farm Conferences or Regional Training Sessions. It is always encouraging to see that they intentionally create a supportive environment for the youth to discover their passion in life and then training them towards achieving their goals.