
Waitrose Foundation At Work

Aftercare Facilitators offer invaluable academic assistance to kids at aftercare centres

November 2019

After-school Educational Support significantly improves the academic and personal development of farm workers' children. On many Waitrose Foundation partner farms the CAMI Maths programme is used to assist children at after-school facilities with mathematics skills. It is a fun and interactive educational software system that helps learners understand mathematical concepts.

When the kids' academic performance improves, it positively impacts their confidence and they are more likely to perform better in other disciplines as well. The positive outcomes from after-school educational support on farms - especially in rural areas where access to support is limited - is one of the very practical and measurable outcomes of Foundation funded projects on farms in Southern Africa.  The Foundation’s regional manager, Hilda Links, recently visited Kirsten farm, outside Stellenbosch and met with their new aftercare facilitator, Octavia, from the You Are Loved Foundation. The CAMI mathematics programme has been used by the kids working on laptops provided in this facility and funded by the Waitrose Foundation.

Aftercare Facilitators offer invaluable academic assistance to kids at aftercare centres